CASE STUDY : Sedgemoor Dementia support Centre, Liverpool

Published on , in Case Studies.
Sedgemoor is an award winning development designed for people living with dementia. The centre is open plan and filled with natural light whilst the circular layout is easy to navigate with familiar objects acting as wayfinders.
The architects also incorporated a fully immersive 4D theatre featuring sights, sounds and even smells to aid cognition. Have a look here
Architect Joy McDonnell explains: “Good design for people living with dementia is based upon contrast, colour and clarity. Life is easier when surroundings make sense and the facilities are clearly marked. For example, as we grow older we often start to lose colour vision, and this can be more pronounced with dementia. Red however remains easier to see so we made sure red played an important part in the scheme.”
Professional artists were commissioned to develop designs for Sedgemoor. Oona Culley created Fading Forms, a series of hand-painted designs of grasses and seedheads which Tektura then turned into wallcoverings and window graphics. The outside walls of the courtyard garden are covered with ceramic tiles by Robert Dawson, inspired by the famous Minton tiles on the floor of Liverpool’s St George’s Hall.
See our full range of wallcoverings on our website.