Sisters Svetlana and Olga are based in St Petersburg and London respectively. They're both artists in their own right, with backgrounds in set design and illustration. During lockdown they created Studio Boreales - with a mission to paint rural landscapes as a much needed reconnection to nature and the outside world. Their impressionist-style techniques and soothing watercolours capture the soft sunlit allure of pastoral scenes in England, Scotland, Italy and Russia.
They go on to explain "We wanted our paintings to be a tonic; a real antidote to lockdown days. Our landscapes are full of colour and evoked childhood memories for us too: we remembered picnics, riverside walks and sun-filled days. The whole process has been truly uplifting, and we hope each image also brings a sense of joy to our clients"
All designs shown here have been created exclusively for Tektura. Each design can be scaled up to 3m tall x 4.5m wide. All can be cropped as needed. Overall colours can be adjusted. All designs are available as wallcovering, window film, acrylic panels and can be printed onto our Zintra acoustic panels.
To find out more about Studio Boreales and their work please click here.
See Technical Data for further information. And watch our video to see how Digital wallcovering is made and installed.